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Distrijob Presentation

Site's statement

Distrijob is the number one job site in France in supermarkets and specialty distribution.

Created in 2000 by distribution professionnals, with the ambition to offer a simple, quick and efficent tool to put candidates in contact with recruiters in the distribution jobs.

Jobboard Finder’s opinion

Summary: Distrijob is part of a much bigger network of niche job boards. They’ve been around since 1999, putting jobseekers in touch with relevant recruiters and keeping them updated on their field of expertise. Distrijob is the leading specialist job board in distribution and sales in France. The site receives more than 246 100 hits a month! They have 1 118 Facebook fans, 289 followers on LinkedIn and 800 on Twitter. It has a surprisingly diverse range of jobs to offer so let’s take a closer look.

Design: The homepage features the search engine (keywords and location), a list of job offers and news from the industry (from their blog). Distriib has a small font but they have all the essential information, including a detailed sheet on salaries in the distribution industry (you can even add to the information by writing to them). To access, the job offers, a keyword or location is required. Once you have accessed the listing, you have some filters (the location, the radius, the type of contract, the company, the job, the experience, the level of studies) to help with your search and you can sort by date or relevance. Even if the branding could be improved, the job offers are clear (split into three parts: presentation of the company, job description, the candidate profile). The recruiter portal displays a number of different packages.

The job board objective: Distrijob focuses on one industry in order to excel at helping jobseekers and recruiters in distribution find each other.

Recruiter observations: You can browse the CV database for free (a keyword is required and contact details are hidden). Different packages are available on the website (and you can pay online). To create a profile, all you need is your company name, your name and an e-mail address.

Jobseeker observations: An account is created for jobseekers when they apply to a job offer. The site also sends out confirmation messages about applications. If you do happen to click on a deleted job offer, the site will offer you something similar.

The job offers: Since you have you filter your search from the moment you use the search engine, it isn’t possible to give an exact number of job offers.

Reactivity: It takes about a day for the team to answer.

Special features: The blog; the salary sheet; the forum; job alerts.

Verdict: Distrijob is an easy-to-use job board with so much to offer in the way of distribution jobs. The articles are also interesting for anyone who wants to stay on top of the latest news in distribution.

Written by Ali Neill

As the job board tester and blog editor for the Jobboard Finder, Ali works on job boards from all around the world and keeps a close eye on the recruitment trends thanks to a number of sources, including the website's social media pages.

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Additional job board information

Marketing activities

Print campains (5) in l'Express magazine

Aggregators &
Media Partners

L'Express - Job Rencontres

PoleEmploi- Indeed - OptionCarriere - 123-emploi - Wanajob - Moovement - Trovit


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NicheMany job advertsEfficient

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     Franz Olivier Gisbert  - Jobseeker  - 15 reviews
User friendly
Franz Olivier Gisbert comment :

peut être le site le plus rentable de France ? et sans faire de bruit !
Rated on 11-08-2016

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