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Direct Etudiant Presentation

Site's statement

Direct Etudiant is a job board for all the students providing them with all the necessary help to find an appropriate internship, part-time job, student job or education. The portal offers internships, part-time jobs and educations in all sectors such as marketing, health, finance, energy, human ressources and many more! All offers that are published on the homepage Direct Etudiant are equally published on the homepage Direct Emploi. Publishing articles the portal supplies the students additionally with hints and advices for their job search.

Regardless what internship you are looking for Direct Etudiant has the right one for you !

Jobboard Finder’s opinion

Summary: Created in 2004 by Direct Emploi, which was once Direct Performance, Direct Etudiant is a specialist job board for students and it only offers internships. In theory, there is a “student jobs” section, but it’s empty. It is the main website for a number of specialist job boards (including Carrière Informatique and Carrière Distribution). On social media, Direct Emploi has 302 followers on Viadeo, 367 on Linkedin and 7 829 on Facebook (no updates since October), which it shares with Direct Etudiant. However, Direct Etudiant has its own Twitter with 267 followers (no updates since 2016). SimilarWeb does not know the visibility.

Design: Unlike the other specialist job boards belonging to Direct Emploi, Direct Etudiant does not include a backdrop photo. Instead, there is a moving advertisement for the website next to the logo. The rest of the homepage is very similar to the other site (with a dominant green and turquoise colour). It includes the search engine (type of contract, location and keywords), the hiring companies (which offer jobs and/or internships), the Vinci video, the featured job offers and the list of search criteria. You can look up job offers by industry, job, region, department or city. Finally, there is an advice column and some articles. If you decide to look up job offers, the listing shows all the useful information (including logos) and some pages are customized. You can also choose to see only internships or training. Similar job offers appear under an open job offer. Finally, to narrow down the search, you can use the advanced search filters (the industry, type of education).

The job board objective: Direct Etudiant offers internships to students in France and recruiters can find young candidates through the job board.

Recruiter observations: It’s easy to create an account and to order a package online. You can also order a single advert.

Jobseeker observations: You need to fill out your profile to create an account, which can be tedious. Furthermore, you must have a local phone number and specify your level of education. When you sign up to one website, you also sign up to the partner websites. Some of the job offers redirect you to another page (even another job board). For the others, you need an account, a CV and an optional cover letter.

The job offers: There are 935 internships on Direct Etudiant right now. They are taken from the specialist partner job boards and there is something for everyone. If you click on “jobs”, you are redirected to Direct Emlpoi.

Reactivity: --

Special features: The theme folder of articles (which hasn’t been altered since last year); the job alerts; the job sheets (with cute images); the CV visibility options; the tags (for the offers in the job listing).

Verdict: Direct Etudiant is worth checking out if you are a student looking for guidance and maybe even an internship. If you are recruiting, there’s no harm in using Direct Etudiant, even if the visibility is unknown.

Written by Ali Neill

As the job board tester and blog editor for the Jobboard Finder, Ali works on job boards from all around the world and keeps a close eye on the recruitment trends thanks to a number of sources, including the website's social media pages.

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Additional job board information

Marketing activities

Direct Etudiant maintains different partnerships with other job boards and homepages engaging in education and recruiting. Besides, Direct Etudiant is present on Facebook and Google+ .

Aggregators &
Media Partners

Meta Search engines: indeed, option carrière, etc Jobboards: Jobinlive, Réseaux Handicap etc.

Aggregated websites


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