Jobboard Finder’s opinion
Summary: Created over 20 years ago, CasinoCareers is all about, well, careers in casinos. Even if it’s difficult to find information about the team, the group is definitely a well-established groups. Just look at the list of alliances, clients and the social media. There are 4 068 followers on Twitter, 4 368 on Facebook, 23 607 on LinkedIn and even 259 on Instagram. It’s no surprise then to learn that about 56 380 views a month a recorded every month.
Design: The website isn’t as modern as some of the other job boards in our database, but that hasn’t stopped them from being successful. The search engine and filters (keywords, department, employer, country, and state) are at the top of the page (and remain there) next to testimonials from clients. For job categories, the footer lists them all. Featured employers scroll across the page. In the job listing, there are no logos but you can see the name of the company, the job title, the publication date and the location. Job offers are broken down into three or four sections: useful information at the top of the page (including an expiry date and the type of contract), the job description, requirements and (sometimes) the salary. Employers can even add writing in a different colour to attract attention to a specific part of the advert. Company information appears on the right-hand side. Candidates can browse the clients (employers), which have pages including a short description and a logo.
The job board objective: In a popular industry like casinos, finding the right staff, the right schools and the right jobs can be challenging. For that reason, Casino Careers aims to make those difficulties a thing of the future.
Recruiter observations: The prices are visible on the website. However, recruiters must contact the website to create an account.
Jobseeker observations: You must complete your online resume to apply to job offers, but once you have, you just have to press on “apply” to send your application to recruiters/casinos.
The job offers: The oldest job offers are from last year, but there is only a page or so of them and offers have expiry dates. At the moment, there are 568 job offers. Food & beverages has by far the most job offers, followed by Casino tables and online gaming.
Reactivity: --
Special features: The list of casino schools; the career resources (including tips for dealing with job loss, job hunting, interviews, etc.); the videos; the list of clients; the list of alliances; the gaming-hospitality & technology news.
Verdict: Casino Careers offers a large number of opportunities in casinos for those with a love of games and betting. It could definitely be an interesting career move. The website might not be the most attractive, but it’s straightforward and offers advice columns. If you’re recruiting in the industry or want to find work in a casino, turn to Casino Careers first.