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Site's statement

Part of the Careers In Group specialist job boards, is the world’s leading job board and career resource for Audit, Risk, Compliance, Assurance and Governance professionals. Established in 2005, was the very first specialist job board and industry resource for the global Audit community and continues to lead the way in online recruitment for Corporate Governance, with a loyal following of over 270,000 registered professionals worldwide.

We advertise all Audit and Governance related roles from Audit Assistants to Audit Directors and Partners, in every country, covering the full industry spectrum of Internal Audit, External Audit, IT Audit, Risk Management, Compliance, Regulations, Advisory, Corporate Governance, GRC, Internal Controls, Fraud, Forensic Accounting, Financial Crime, Anti-Money Laundering, Quality Assurance, Data Analytics, Technology Risk, Graduates & Trainees and everything in between.

More than just a job board, also provides access to a range of valuable resources, including regular analysis and commentary from leading industry journalists and exclusive career advice tailored specifically for audit and governance professionals. The group also conducts regular surveys to research the latest industry trends. is one of six market-leading specialist job platforms operated by the Careers In Group, which also includes CareersinRisk, CareersinCompliance, CareersinAnalytics, CareersinESG and

If you are looking to hire professional Audit & Governance staff please contact us on or call +44 (0)20 7553 6350 for more information.

Jobboard Finder’s opinion

Summary: Established in 2005 by two ex-Auditors looking for a sector-specific online recruitment service, the privately owned specialist job board was the first of its kind. It specializes in Audit, Risk, Compliance, GRC and Cyber Security community professions. The history of the website and statistics about the candidates are also in the “About Us” section. Even if the design is a little austere (partially because of the red and grey colour scheme), CareersinAudit is easy-to-use and a popular choice when it comes to Audit professions. On social media, it has 14 229 members on Linkedin for their group (you’ll need to be audited first, ha ha!), 8 087 on Facebook and 3 470 on Twitter (for the Risk, Audit and Compliance websites). There are four different partner websites, many contact numbers and four different locations.

Design: The focus of the homepage is the job search, followed by featured companies (which are actually hiring) and jobs and finally the career advice articles. To access the job listing, you can use the search engine in three parts (keywords, location and radius) or the jobs by type, by employer sector and by location just under it (including numbers in brackets). The filters are the job type, the job title, the employer sector, the location, the salary band, the contract type, the hours, the travel and the recruiter type. It’s not clear what travel means, but we would assume it refers to how much candidates need to travel for work. There is a company listing, where each company page includes the name, logo and a description. As a rule, the pages are standardized, but some are slightly different. Like other Madgex job boards, “browsing” is considered different to “searching” depending on whether you include a location.

The job board objective: CareersinAudit make it easy for professionals in Auditing, Risk and other such fields to find work.

Recruiter observations: Pricing information and key figures are available on the website. When creating an account, you can mark your account as “VAT exempt”. For your adverts, you need to include a percentage for travel, the salary, a salary description and how you would like to receive applicants.

Jobseeker observations: It’s easy to create an account. To apply to job offers, a CV is necessary and you’ll probably have to write a short message.

The job offers: The most popular sectors are banking & finance and accountancy practice. There are 904 job offers in total, with only a hundred or so outside of the United Kingdom.

Reactivity: They answer very quickly.

Special features: job alerts; the blog (with many subcategories); the courses; job of the week; audit campaigns; the awards page.

Verdict: CareersinAudit is a great website for anyone in that specific field. It’s clear, easy-to-use and recruiters can use it without having to contact a middleman.

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Additional job board information

Marketing activities

The Careers In Group focuses on online marketing activities and SEO building to ensure that the job boards are highly visible and easy to find for jobseekers and employers. 

The Group is also an active user of social media to promote job vacancies listed, share information on services offered, and publish tailored career advice, with over 46,000 professional followers across the group social media network (including LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram and Twitter/X).

The Careers In Group also conducts regular research to gauge how specialist professionals around the world feel about the job market and how soon they will look for a new position. The results from these surveys are published on the sites and in various industry online and print publications.

Aggregators &
Media Partners

We sponsor each of your jobs on Indeed, Adzuna and many other partner sites, which means you don’t need to pay to sponsor your jobs with these other sites directly.


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Mohammad Shafiul Azam  - Jobseeker  - 1 review
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Rated on 18-08-2023

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