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Career One Presentation

Site's statement

CareerOne is a leading digital employment brand offering a unique job hunting experience and innovative corporate solutions for candidate sourcing, talent management, and employer branding.

As a joint venture company, CareerOne successfully integrates the print and online strengths of Australia’s biggest publisher, News Corp Australia, and the technology of global employment platform, Monster Worldwide.

CareerOne provides a unique job hunting experience helping people monetise their time with thousands of full time, part time and casual jobs, hundreds of tasks and the ability to be head-hunted by employers.

Jobboard Finder’s opinion

Summary: Since 1999, the aggregator CareerOne has been helping Australian find work by posting job offers and collecting others from the rest of the internet. That’s why 741 230 views are recorded by SimilarWeb per month (with 75% of them coming from Australia), which is slightly less than last year. Obviously, competition from SEEK is challenging in Australia where it would seem that there is only room for one big job board. In fact, New Corps, the publisher that created CareerOne, first sold off 65% of the job board to Acquire Learning and then another 15% after signing a commercial deal with Seek. Today, the job board belongs to Octomedia (which has since changed its name). Regardless, the changes in management haven’t stoppped users from following CareerOne on social media through: 12 100 followers on Instagram, 9 091 LinkedIn, 11 600 on Twitter and 1 522 YouTube.

Design: On the homepage, the search engine (keywords, the category and the location) is the focus. If you do not fill in at least one of the fields, the job board will force you to select one by suggesting categories on the next page before displaying the listing. The rest of the homepage displays companies and articles. Even if some of the featured companies are not hiring right now, the website lets you know by including the number of job offers per company. On the company pages, users can view the social media Tweets, the jobs, articles from the company and an “about us” section (including photos and video). At the top of the page, you can also see how many people have  viewed the company page. In the job listing, the job offers can be sorted by date or relevance. There are no publication dates, but offers are posted for 30 days, so it’s safe to say they are updated.

The job board objective: CareerOne has been helping Australians find jobs for years. As the second most popular job board after Seek, it offers something slightly different to the leader.

Recruiter observations: When creating an advert, you can see your progress. You must provide salary information but it won’t necessarily show up in your offer.

Jobseeker observations: As a jobseeker, it’s easy to create an account but many offers redirect you to a different job board.

The job offers: There are 79 718 job offers.

Reactivity: The team answered quickly.

Special features: Resume tips; career advice; the courses; hiring advice; the job counter for the price (to show the discounts based on the number of jobs); the aptitude tests; the YouTube videos (nothing new for the last 2 years); the popular jobs; company page views.

Verdict: CareerOne is a handy job board, which displays job offers from its own site and from other places on the net. More special features (like salary information) and more filters would be appreciated though.

Written by Ali Neill

As the job board tester and blog editor for the Jobboard Finder, Ali works on job boards from all around the world and keeps a close eye on the recruitment trends thanks to a number of sources, including the website's social media pages.

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Additional job board information

Marketing activities is very active on Facebook, Twitter, and Linkedin, and uses them to interact with their users and release news. 27K likes on Facebook; 6K followers on Twitter; and 2K followers on Linkedin.


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