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AZERTY Jobs Presentation

Site's statement

[AZERTY Jobs] connects the best talents with the companies they deserve.

# Our review ? Employment rate is very high in the digital industry, and companies have to compete with each other to recruit the best talents.

# Our aspiration ? We believe in talent and hard work. We care for our community and help them grow all along their career. Our best reward is our talents’ self-fulfilment.

# Our community ? We’ve built a strong community of passionate, enthusiastic, commited and high-skilled people, looking for new challenges and bright opportunities.

# Our solution ? Connecting the most talented and hard working people from our community to you, given your specific needs and HR requirements. Let’s meet our super heroes !

People in our community are graduated from the best management and engineering French universities.

They’ve been working for the most famous and successful companies in the web industry, they are former entrepreneurs, they have dream of being part of something big and strongly believe in innovation.

There is no limit intheir learning ability and their commitment. They want to embrace an ambitious and meaningful project, earn a great position, with responsibility in a great working environment.

Jobboard Finder’s opinion

AZERTY is a French job board:

  • The site is only available in French which is not so helpful for international users
  • There is a lot of information on the homepage and the design is quite messy and unclear
  • On the homepage, there is a list of recent job offers and featured employers 
  • You can do a quick search according to contract type and job type
  • However you cannot do a general search and then narrow the results down with filters
  • You have to add a key word into the search engine to get results
  • There is no clear date of publication for the job ads so we cannot tell if they are regularly updated
  • There is a blog page that is linked with the site, so job seekers can have extra support and guidance with their search.

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Additional job board information

Marketing activities

[AZERTY Jobs] organized "Jobs & Brekfast" the 22th of july, a recruitment gathering for Business Developers. 

Aggregators &
Media Partners

We have an exclusive partnership with, a web magazine specialized on entrepreneurship. 


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