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Site's statement

AllJobs is the largest and the leading career and employment platform in Israel.
Established in 2004 with a unique USP for jobseekers - aggregating job positions from over 3,000 job offerings served and filtered in one place. For employer's Division we are the biggest and most advanced platform with over 35,000 job offerings.

As part of our vision and strategy, our approach is to provide our customers with a variegated set of tools and services that will help and improve their recruitment process for much more efficient.

AllJobs in figures

  • Over 1,000,000 jobseekers
  • About 40,000 employers
  • 35,000 job proposals on-line
  • 1,500,000 CV's per month
  • 200 company employees
  • 100,000 jobseekers in 2015 reported that they found new job using our services 


AllJobs was established to help jobseekers find suitable employment by creating one catalogued, smart, online database of all available job openings in Israel. Access to our extensive database gives our users a significant advantage over other job hunters and allows for more options and better control over the choice of a suitable career track.

The website offers more than 35,000 job offers, catalogued in over 50 professional fields, which are in turn sectioned into 800 different categories. Our unique categorization system enables a user-friendly and easily targeted job search. AllJobs offers a unique business model both for jobseekers and employers: AllJobs collects all job listings published in Israel and creates a unified database, which is visible for all - all job openings are available for the website's subscribers.

Recruiters can either place an ad and receive CVs from subscribers only or promote ads, Campaigning, Differential mail blasts and receive CV from all 700,000 jobseekers. Advertising in AllJobs grants further exposure in additional websites, including Israel's largest news website, Ynet, and the country's top-tier business daily, Calcalist. Job listings are also promoted in over 100 affiliated websites targeted at specific audience.

Jobboard Finder’s opinion

Summary: AllJobs is the leading job board in Isreal and attracts as many as 1.78 million views a month! The national generalist job board was launched in 2004 by the founders Herzl Ozer, Niv Ariel, Gadi Schwadron and Revital Hendler, who continue to follow its success on the board of directors. Today, Revital Hendler shows an interest in learning and student empowerment. As for AllJobs, it has been sold to a the Russian company, HeadHunter ( then to Yedioth Ahronoth (an Israeli newspaper and media group). Even if all the social media isn’t present on the website, AllJobs has 82 651 followers on Facebook, 3 140 on YouTube, 3 104 on Linkedin and 1 925 on Twitter.

Design: AllJobs is particularly colourful, both professional and quirky and has an eyeball mascot wearing a builder’s helmet. To use the search engine, you need a keyword. The homepage makes a point of showcasing the different services on the website, but clearly, the jobseeker is the main focus. The search engine (keywords) and the job alerts take up the top of the page, as do some figures on the side to prove the website success. You can also look up one keyword or you can use the different categories (type of work, location, role and industry). As you scroll down, you can see the offers on an interactive map, the articles and other specific topics in the footer. In the “About Us” section, you’ll find a timeline, photos of the team and more key figures, not to mention the smart design of the page. Even if you can view the job offers without an account, some features are limited to users, like binning the irrelevant offers in the list. That said, the information is clear and the vacancies can be sorted by the publication date, the relevance or the proximity. The company pages are customised and they include a backdrop image, a logo, a map, job offers and an about us section. Some offers indicate if they target students or older jobseekers.

The job board objective: AllJobs has revolutionized the job search in Israel and continues to do so.

Recruiter observations: Recruiters do not have to reveal the name of the company. When you create your advert through the website, the prices appear at the end to finalise the order. If you would like to contact the team as an international recruiter, your best option is Whatsapp.

Jobseeker observations: As a jobseeker, you can opt for the free account or the VIP account (which includes more advice and information on your profile). You need a (recognised) phone number to create an account, which can prove difficult.

The job offers: There are 32 470 job offers.

Reactivity: They answer quickly on chat support. You can write in English. You can also contact the team through Whatsapp.

Special features: The hundreds of Youtube videos; the eye with a yellow worker’s hat logo; AllJob VIP; CV rewriting (at a cost); the blog (no dates); the testimonial page; the worker rights section; chat support; the detailed page on CV writing (includes videos and example CVs in English and Hebrew); the salary calculator and table (in Hebrew); the number of recruiters that have recruited today; the over 50 friendly offers; the app.

Verdict: AllJobs can be a bit difficult for foreign users because of the limited language options and the phone number requirements. That said, it is a clear leader in Israel so if you are looking for work or recruiting, it might be time to learn Hebrew.

Written by Ali Neill

As the job board tester and blog editor for the Jobboard Finder, Ali works on job boards from all around the world and keeps a close eye on the recruitment trends thanks to a number of sources, including the website's social media pages.

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Additional job board information

Marketing activities

Major AllJobs products:

  • AllJobs VIP: a unique service product. Aggregate 35,000 job offering listed in one place from more than 3000 sources
  • Content and DATA: over 1800 articles on various topics written by industry, experts,  tips and information that assist in finding the next job opportunity
  • Career Management: a wide range of products for jobseekers, such as: personal couching during job searching process, upgrading resumes, job interviews training and occupational guidance
  • Employers: a super advanced cloud based ATS enabling employers to manage their recruitment process professionally and efficiently
  • Screening and Placement services
  • Matching – free and advanced text search engine enabling to employers to expose their jobs advertisement to the most suitable candidates, and to jobseekers to find the most suitable position


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Michalle Ganemberg  - Recruiter  - 33 reviews
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Michalle Ganemberg comment :

Great job board when you need israelian workers.
Rated on 12-04-2017

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