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70millionjobs Presentation

Site's statement

70 Million Jobs is the first for-profit employment platform for Americans with criminal records.

We are the only job board on the Internet that serves the formerly incarcerated people. Our users come from government agencies, non-profits and correctional facilities most of the time. We review job seekers resumes and help them thourgh the entire process of being hired in USA. Imagine a world where the formerly incarcerated are provided the tools and support they need to get back up on their feet. We raised almost 800000$ dollars from investors according


Jobboard Finder’s opinion

Summary: Created in 2016, the specialist job board for the formerly incarcerated in the United States, 70MillionJobs, is on a mission: it aims to create work for ex-cons everywhere. The founder and CEO, Richard Bronson, spent 2 years in prison for his involvement in the Stratton Oakmont scandal (the “Wolf of Wall Street”), so he knows firsthand just how difficult it is to find work after you’ve done time. His story is on the website to inspire jobseekers and many big name magazines/newspapers have also written about 70MillionJobs. It currently has 629 followers on Twitter, 866 on Facebook and 201 on Linkedin. The website emphasizes the advantages of hiring those with a criminal record, like reducing your federal income tax.

Design: It’s a bit strange that the search engine is not the feature on the homepage. There is a list of hiring companies, and an explanation of how the website works (“you are not alone”). There is an employer portal and a “refer a friend portal”, then jobs by category in a grid with an image for each. You can also use the interactive map on the homepage, which helps visualize the job offers, to access the list of job offers. The company pages are very appealing (with large photos and descriptions). The job offers are informative and lead to the career pages of the companies that are advertising.

The job board objective: The job board hopes to show ex-cons where to find “felony friendly jobs near you”.

Recruiter observations: Pricing information is available on the website. The website keeps saying something is wrong with the time zone. You need have an American postcode. They can also provide services for the recruitment campaign.

Jobseeker observations: You can create an account but you don’t have to since the website redirects you to the company application page. You can upload, build or paste your CV into your account.

The job offers: Labour jobs, driving jobs, kitchen jobs, manual or construction jobs. These are the kind of offers you’ll find on 70MillionJobs. There are roughly 500 at the moment.

Reactivity: They have chat support, but it’s a bit frustrating to talk to a robot. They answer within a day when you e-mail le team though.

Special features: The blog (only one article); the partner organizations; chat support; refer a friend (to the website); the interactive map; the information on hiring ex-cons; recruitment campaign services.

Verdict: 70MillionJobs has only just appears on the market but it’s sure to change the way recruiters think about candidates with a criminal records. The website is helpful and eye-opening, with a real purpose.

Written by Ali Neill

As the job board tester and blog editor for the Jobboard Finder, Ali works on job boards from all around the world and keeps a close eye on the recruitment trends thanks to a number of sources, including the website's social media pages.

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