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Search in our job board directory

We have selected more than 950 job boards around the world!

Jobboard Finder gives you the opportunity to search job sites by country, sector, type or name. You can combine as many criteria as you want to obtain precise search results. Besides the job board’s name, the results list includes key information to provide a panorama of job websites according to the research criteria selected.

More details are available by clicking on the name or logo of the job board.

Step 1 : Search

Search by country

Search by geography

You can search for international, national and local job boards.

Search by sector

Search by type of job board

You can choose between different types of job sites such as generalist, niche, etc.

Search by type of job board

Search by sector

24 different sectors including IT & Engineering, Energy & Environment and Students & Graduates.

Search by name of job board

Search by keyword

You can enter the name of the job site you are looking for.

Select the country

Step 2 : Results

Here is a sample of what the job board results look like, with two real job board profiles.
Freemium results

See also :          

View job sites profiles

The Jobboard Finder team has selected a real job board profile to show you an example of our extensive job board database. Here you can see the profile of Cadremploi.

Download a sample

Job board profile

See also :          

Compare recruitment websites

With our job board search engine you can choose which e-recruitment media will best suit your needs according to specific criteria. When you log into your account, you have access to our job board comparison tool, which allows you to compare up to 4 job boards at the same time.

Find out more about how to compare job boards here.

Comparison tool

See also :          

Buy and post job ads : For recruiters

Once you have chosen the media that is right for you, there is the option of buying advertisement space on your selected job board at our agency's lowest rates. Fill out your details in our online form and proceed to payment to post and manage your job ads directly from your dashboard.

Here is an example of what our online form and job posting process looks like from your dashboard.

Step 1 : Write my advert

Fill in the form describe in details your job opening.
Write my advert

Step 2 : Choose my media

Select where you would like your job advert to be published.

Choose my media

Step 3 : Select My Options

Choose additional options.

Choose additional options

Step 4 : View my Summary

From here, you can view your order detail.

View my summary screen

Step 5 : Proceed to Payment

See more details about payment methods and your payment preferences.
proceed to payment screen

See also :