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You should read this for international recruitment or job search abroad :

Read Tips: Find a job abroad or recruit internationaly !

Searching for job boards in a particular country is made even easier by our interactive world map. Use the map to navigate geographically and visualise the number of job boards in each country.

You can zoom in using your cursor, click and drag to explore where Jobboard Finder partner job boards are located, and hover over a certain country to see the number of job boards available. Then, click to be redirected to the list of job boards available, with detailed data including their Jobboard Finder score, the number of visitors per month and more.

Read Tips: Be careful, recruitment practices can be different overseas!

Language barrier, along with difference of culture, legal system and recruitment practices can be overwhelming and tricky to handle. Once you have selected your top abroad job portals, you should still be cautious about advertising your job offers online. You may be an expert in online recruitment in your own local market, but you are probably just a beginner in online recruiting abroad!

Here are some general guidelines for recruiting overseas. First of all, whenever you are recruiting abroad and once you have chosen a specific job board, you should always ask your sales contact for tips and general advice about local recruitment practices.
Posting a job advertisement online is very common as most job boards abroad do not offer extensive CV databases. Of course there are always exceptions such as Spanish job boards Infojobs and Infoempleo or Russian employment website HeadHunter that have complete CV databases to find qualified applicants.

Next, you should visit the job board as if you were a jobseeker with the exact same profile you're looking for.  Research jobs on the website and double check the classification. Pay close attention to the fields in which your competitors’ advertisements have been referenced. Look at the job descriptions and write your own job offers accordingly. For instance, in some countries, company profiles are at the top of job advertisements. This is the case in France and Germany. In other countries, job descriptions come first.

Some national job sites have their own distinctive features such as salary highlight in the results page for the UK.  Salary is critical information for job seekers in the UK: it simply encourages or discourages them to read the job advert altogether. It would be useless to advertise your vacancy on a job board in the UK  without salary and information about benefits. Also, be very specific and accurate about the location. Search engines of UK job boards are so powerful that a single kilometer can make all the difference.

In most European countries, posting a discriminating job offer is against the law so make sure your job title and description are not restrictive. In France always add H/F at the end of the job title, or m/w for Germany, meaning that both men and women are welcome to apply.  Do not state any age requirement. Also remember that both culture and legal system forbid job descriptions with religious, political, racial or ethnic preferences. Yet it is common to use such criteria in CV search tools in South Africa.